Friday, April 9, 2010

over my head.

ashley and i, december 2008.

things that never fail to lift me out of a crapass mood:

- a good long nap on a hot day.
- fun, colorful undies from target (5 for $15, thank you very much).
- liz lemon and her "lizasters".
- listening to amy winehouse. 
- when carrie bradshaw (the dog) notices that i'm crying, then crawls up to me and licks the tears off my face.
- ashley jensen and her straightforward, pulls-no-punches life advice.
- ice cream sandwiches.
- justin bieber, and his adorable little babyface.
- when carrie bradshaw (the character) goes through something...anything...and comes out stronger.
- going to the piano bar with jeanette, requesting "tik tok", and marveling at the fact that they actually know how to play it.
- talking to my mom on the phone.
- a snapped marathon. nothing makes you feel better than watching crazy bitches murder their husbands.
- tapas.

tomorrow will be different, right?

mood music: amy winehouse - help yourself

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