Monday, March 29, 2010

extra, extra.


i thoroughly enjoy a good hall & oates tune. "you make my dreams" is number one in my heart, but "i can't go for that" is certainly a close second. i just stumbled upon these covers by the bird and the bee (another duo that i love very much) and they're pretty bra-zilliant.

in completely unrelated news, my close friend and personal swimwear designer nicole has started her own blog, aptly titled the bikini muse

in even more completely unrelated news, i actually ran an entire mile today. if you know me at all, you know that this feat deserves a pat on the back and a champagne toast. boo-yah!

mood music: the bird and the bee - i can't go for that (via music is art)
mood music: the bird and the bee - private eyes (via audio drums)

1 comment:

  1. Brittany ( this is alyssa candace's friend by the way not just some random haha) can i just say that I so thoroughly enjoy your blog and I swear every time I need a little inspiration it right here. You are the most darling girl with impeccable taste. I feel like im reading carrie bradshaw when i read your blog.
